die die die tim burton
(too old to reply)
2004-01-03 16:20:20 UTC
I really don't care that Tim hates America. What really bothers me is
an ad on the TV Guide site for the Bioogrqaphy Channel featuring Tim
keeps fucking up my computer.
Demoness Abigor
2004-01-04 10:17:05 UTC
Post by flamestar
I really don't care that Tim hates America. What really bothers me is
an ad on the TV Guide site for the Bioogrqaphy Channel featuring Tim
keeps fucking up my computer.
Why don't you use a browser or program that blocks pop ups?
|Demoness Abigor|net.goth|The Pinkest Deceptagon in da world!
|Josh: you mentioned Transformers! and didn't use the words "are lame" in the same
sentence! you are my dream girl!
apE maN kinkS
2004-01-06 14:34:52 UTC
Tim Borton hates America?
Someone please enlighten me.
Post by flamestar
I really don't care that Tim hates America. What really bothers me is
an ad on the TV Guide site for the Bioogrqaphy Channel featuring Tim
keeps fucking up my computer.
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